Well folks, the trails are groomed, the club is warm, the food is delicious and we’re here to say hello every weekend!
That’s right, our weekend luncheons are in full swing, and we’ve had some great options on the menu; baked beans, pulled pork, chicken stew and of course your classic burger and dog options. Traffic through the Linneus trails has been very positive and we’re proud of our groomers and volunteers who have signed for us this year.
Wednesday night Bingo is a weekly hit with a great crowd showing for a homecooked meal, getting in on the Early Bird bingo cards and staying through the regular games. The bigger the crowd, the bigger the payouts after each game so no better reason to grab your pals and come try your luck!
In upcoming events, the team here at Linneus Sno Sports is looking forward to a fun-filled weekend in Linneus on the 26th & 27th of the month. Saturday, the 26th, we are partnering with the local Linneus Rec Department for their annual family sliding party at 442 Drews Mills rd and a family “Try A Sled” ride around Linneus Sno Sports clubhouse. Families who have never tried snowmobiling before are welcome to come to the clubhouse and enjoy a short, guided ride around some of our trails at no charge. Helmets will be provided, and we hope to see a lot of new faces fall in love with the sport. Sunday, the 27th, we are hosting our much anticipated, annual Poker Run! We’ve got a whole page on our site dedicated to the Poker Run so feel free to click the “About” tab at the top of this page, click on “annual poker run” and get filled in on all the exciting details. We hope to see you there!
Coming up in March, we’ve got the Maine Snowmobile Association ride on March 12th. We will also be announcing the date for our next Annual Member Meeting. We’ll have two seats on our board opening up, with members in those current seats re-running, but we welcome any member who is interested in participating on our board of directors to come and put their name on a ballot. We’ll also have our officer positions up for their annual renewal, positions include President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary.
Until next time- thank you for visiting Linneus Sno Sports, ride safe, stay to the right of the trail and have fun!
Linneus Sno Sports Secretary